2023/24 Committee

The committee, elected at the club AGM, is chaired by the commodore and is responsible for the overall operation and management of the club activities, the buildings, boats and other assets of the club.

The committee’s objective is to provide an enjoyable family environment in which young sailors can develop a passion for the sport, and go on to be competitive sports people.

The club must work within a budget which is restricted by our income. Revenue is generated by member subscriptions, sponsorship and grants. KYC is very fortunate to have the support of Winger Subaru as our main sponsor.

Flag Officers and Committee

PatronTom Schnackenberg
PresidentLuke Jenkins lukepjenkins@icloud.com0276446755
CommodoreAndy Stone & Jo Kensington-Stoneandystone485@gmail.com, kensingtonjoanne@gmail.com021638853, 021505759
Vice CommodoreColin HigsonColin534@icloud.com0272561230
Rear CommodoreLinda Heckler
SecretaryEdwine Whiteedwine_gers@yahoo.com021 2575366
TreasurerPam McLauchlanPam.paul1@gmail.com02102545645
Club CaptainRene van der Voortrvandervoort@yahoo.co.nz0274164010

Fleet Captains

Learn to SailBrenda Orrbrenda@orr.co.nz021 792 982
Learn to RaceNick & Carmen Fitnessnickfitness@gmail.com, c4rm3n.bell@gmail.com021665949, 02108286182
GreenSimon Fry simon@real.co.nz021328269
Optimist OpenNeill Arnold neill.arnold@gmail.com0274883968
P ClassAndy Stone & Neill Arnold andystone485@gmail.com, neill.arnold@gmail.com021 638 853, 0274883968
StarlingCraig White craig.white@fphcare.co.nz0226006878
29erAndrew Kensingtonandy@pde.co.nz021842639

Other Positions

Health & SafetyMurray Scott
YNZ delegateLuke Jenkins
AYBA RepJo Kensington-Stone
NZIODA delegateMichael Shirley
Eastern Marine networkRichard Howse
Girls CoordinatorBronny Howse
Enews EditorJo Kensington-Stone
Enews content coordinatorLinda Heckler
MOSSBrian & Brenda Orr
Rib trainingBrian Orr
Web pageJacky Sun
Club house rentalColin Higson
Galley/Bar teamLuke Jenkins
Social DirectorTBC
Club House MaintenanceTBC
Social Media teamAndy Kensington, Luke Jenkins, Jo Kensington, Bronny Howse
Deck teamDan Alderson
Marama CaptainLuke Jenkins